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"Выпуск Cryptsetup 2.0"
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. "Выпуск Cryptsetup 2.0" +1 +/
Сообщение от yukra (?), 13-Дек-17, 21:37 
> Спасибо, вот только драйверов ФС в биосах и не хватает.

Это не совсем верная информация. UEFI Specification Version 2.7 ( доступен по ссылке ), раздел "13.3 File System Format":
The file system supported by the Extensible Firmware Interface is based on the FAT file system. EFI defines a specific version of FAT that is explicitly documented and testable.
Conformance to the EFI specification and its associate reference documents is the only definition of FAT that needs to be implemented to support EFI. To differentiate the EFI file system from pure FAT, a new partition file system type has been defined.
The definition of the EFI file system will be maintained by specification and will not evolve over time to deal with errata or variant interpretations in OS file system drivers or file system utilities. Future enhancements and compatibility enhancements to FAT will not be automatically included in EFI file systems. The EFI file system is a target that is fixed by the EFI specification, and other specifications explicitly referenced by the EFI specification.

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Выпуск Cryptsetup 2.0, opennews, 13-Дек-17, 13:04  [смотреть все]
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