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"Дистрибутив Fedora 31 перешёл на стадию бета-тестирования "
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. "Дистрибутив Fedora 31 перешёл на стадию бета-тестирования " +/
Сообщение от биба (?), 18-Сен-19, 14:45 

    When specified without an argument or with a true argument, enables the usage of unified cgroup hierarchy (a.k.a. cgroups-v2). When specified with a false argument, fall back to hybrid or full legacy cgroup hierarchy.

    If this option is not specified, the default behaviour is determined during compilation (the -Ddefault-hierarchy= meson option). If the kernel does not support unified cgroup hierarchy, the legacy hierarchy will be used even if this option is specified.

    Takes effect if the full unified cgroup hierarchy is not used (see previous option). When specified without an argument or with a true argument, disables the use of "hybrid" cgroup hierarchy (i.e. a cgroups-v2 tree used for systemd, and legacy cgroup hierarchy, a.k.a. cgroups-v1, for other controllers), and forces a full "legacy" mode. When specified with a false argument, enables the use of "hybrid" hierarchy.

    If this option is not specified, the default behaviour is determined during compilation (the -Ddefault-hierarchy= meson option). If the kernel does not support unified cgroup hierarchy, the legacy hierarchy will be used even if this option is specified.

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Дистрибутив Fedora 31 перешёл на стадию бета-тестирования , opennews, 18-Сен-19, 12:10  [смотреть все]
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