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"Ubuntu исполнилось 15 лет"
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. "Ubuntu исполнилось 15 лет" +/
Сообщение от Timoteo Cirkla (ok), 20-Окт-19, 23:26 
Ну с публичностью компании ошибся. Но причины закрытия проекта Unity именно финансовые:

>> Canonical achieved a small operating profit of $281,000 in 2009, however until 2017 it struggled to maintain financial solvency and took a major financial hit from the development of Unity and Ubuntu Touch, leading to an operating loss of $21.6 Million for the fiscal year 2013.[19] The company reported an operating profit of $2 Million in 2017 after shutting down the Unity development team and laying off nearly 200 employees. The company now plans to focus on its server and professional support solutions, which have proved to be most profitable. By shifting resources away from Ubuntu Desktop and cutting less profitable products and services, Canonical plans to maintain solvency and achieve long-term profitability.

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Ubuntu исполнилось 15 лет, opennews, 20-Окт-19, 19:40  [смотреть все]
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