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"Проект Genode опубликовал выпуск ОС общего назначения Sculpt 20.08"
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. "Проект Genode опубликовал выпуск ОС общего назначения Sculpt..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (12), 18-Сен-20, 06:21 
Начни отсюда:

Потом сюда:
We understand the complexity of code and policy as the most fundamental security problem shared by modern general-purpose operating systems. Because of high functional demands and dynamic workloads, however, this complexity cannot be avoided. But it can be organized. Genode is a novel OS architecture that is able to master complexity by applying a strict organizational structure to all software components including device drivers, system services, and applications. The Genode OS framework is an open-source tool kit for building highly secure component-based operating systems. It scales from embedded devices to dynamic general-purpose computing.

capability-based security, microkernel, principle of least authority, sandboxing, virtualization"

Эх DAC, MAC нет вообще и не будет никогда, ибо микроядро.. А Integrity почему они не сделали?

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Проект Genode опубликовал выпуск ОС общего назначения Sculpt 20.08, opennews, 18-Сен-20, 00:29  [смотреть все]
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