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"Третий предварительный выпуск графического редактора GIMP 3.0"
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. "Третий предварительный выпуск графического редактора GIMP 3...." +/
Сообщение от Леголасemail (ok), 20-Май-21, 12:28
> Qt for Application Development is dual-licensed under commercial and open source licenses. The commercial Qt license gives you the full rights to create and distribute software on your own terms without any open source license obligations. With the commercial license you also have access to the official Qt Support and close strategic relationship with The Qt Company to make sure your development goals are met.
> Qt for Application Development is also available under GPL and LGPLv3 open source licenses. Qt tools and some libraries are only available under GPL. See the comparison chart for details. The Qt open source licensing is ideal for use cases such as open source projects with open source distribution, student/academic purposes, hobby projects, internal research projects without external distribution, or other projects where all (L)GPL obligations can be met.

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Третий предварительный выпуск графического редактора GIMP 3.0, opennews, 08-Май-21, 12:59  [смотреть все]
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