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Релиз децентрализованной коммуникационной платформы Hubzilla 5.2, opennews (??), 13-Янв-21, (0) [смотреть все]

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33. "Релиз децентрализованной коммуникационной платформы Hubzilla..."  +5 +/
Сообщение от anonimizilla (?), 14-Янв-21, 00:47 
> что эта зилла значит?

-zilla is an English slang suffix, a back-formation derived from the English name of the Japanese movie monster Godzilla.[1][2] It is popular for the names of software and websites. It is also found often in popular culture to imply some form of excess, denoting the monster-like qualities of Godzilla.

This trend has been observed since the popularization of the Mozilla Project, which itself included the Internet Relay Chat client ChatZilla.[3]

The use of the suffix was contested by Toho, owners of the trademark Godzilla, in a lawsuit against the website Davezilla[4] and also against Sears for their mark Bagzilla.[5] Toho has since trademarked the word "Zilla" and retroactively used it as an official name for the "Godzilla In Name Only" creature from the 1998 Roland Emmerich film.[6]

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54. "Релиз децентрализованной коммуникационной платформы Hubzilla..."  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (54), 14-Янв-21, 22:06 
Да ладно, а зилов у нас никогда небыло. Хватит заливать, да и 98го ли года или раньше.
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